Note: For all courses held at the Union Hill Gun Club, students can not wear their carry firearm(s) into class. It must be in a case.
All Courses Require Full Payment via Square prior to class.
This Fee is Non-Refundable
Ammunition is not included in our classes unless otherwise specified.
R.O.C. New Jersey Carry Course (IT's HERE!)
R.O.C. New Jersey Carry Course (IT's HERE!)
Duration of Course: 3 hours
**PREREQUISITE for this class will be our Essential Holster Draw Course.**
Short Description: This is a thorough firearms training carry course equivalent to the NJ PTC. It should meet training requirements to obtain a New Jersey carry permit.
*Warning* - At present the NJSP has not set a specific state provision for training. Therefore, the requirements may change post course completion.
This Class will meet the RENEWAL Requirements for NJ Carry Permit.
***Please Use Buy Now Buttons at the bottom left for check out and payment arrangements****

**PREREQUISITE for this class will be our Essential Holster Draw Course.**
Please see dates here: Essential Holster Draw Skills — R.O.C. Training (
ALSO an FYI - ROC Training’s original shooting qualification prior to July 18th, 2023, is not substantially equivalent to the new NJSP CCARE requirements. Therefore you must re-qualify utilizing the new Civilian Carry Assessment and Range Evaluation (CCARE) qualification before December 31st, 2023. **Additional Note** If you took your qualification with us after July 18th, 2023, you do not have to re-qualify.
**HIGHLY SUGGESTED (but not required): NRA Basic Pistol or equivalent (see FPQs below). You must know basic pistol shooting. It will help you with our firearms familiarity qualification. This is not an easy test, but it will not be difficult if you take Basic Pistol class of some kind and practice shooting at multiple distances.
If you need assistance with your accuracy, please contact one of our certified ROC instructors for a 1-on-1 lesson. Send us an email ( with your contact information and we will get you on our schedule.
NEW JERSEY CONCEALED CARRY IS HERE!!!! R.O.C. Training has been preparing for this day seen our inception over a decade ago.
More Details: Presenting R.O.C. Training’s NJ Carry Course. This course is a 3-4-hour instructor lead class with a substantial amount information covering everything from firearms safety, general concealed carry essentials, holster draw review, Use of Force, New Jersey State guidelines, and of course our Firearms Familiarity Qualification. Students will receive a course completion certificate and a certified signed letter from the ROC Training instructor they can include with their application.
Lessons Covered in this Course:
Lesson 1: Firearm Safety
Lesson 2: Concealed Carry Necessities
Lesson 3: Drawing from a Holster & Re-holstering (quick review)
Lesson 4: Use of Force
Lesson 5: New Jersey carry specifications - Process to apply, carry locations, and ammunition
Lesson 6: Firearms Shooting Qualification (50 Rounds) NJSP CCARE Requirements
Course of Fire: Refer to the NJSP Civilian Carry Assessment and Range Evaluation (CCARE) Qualification Course.
Total 50 Rounds: 10 rounds @ 15 yards, 10 rounds @ 10 yards, 10 rounds @ 7 yards, 10 rounds @ 5 yards, 10 rounds @ 3 yards: Strings of fire will start from a concealed holster, then drawing with two hands. IT IS NOT TIMED!
Targets will be the FBI Q targets. This will be performed with a pistol that you legally own.
Necessary Equipment List:
Above All...An Open Mind
Pistol: Semi-Auto or Revolver you intend to carry (We Cannot Lend You One of Our Pistols!)
A secured holster with proper SHAPE RETENTION.
100 Rounds of quality ammo (We have ammo for purchase if necessary.)
Eye Protection
Ear Protection - Electronic Preferred
Minimum of three magazines or six speed loaders
Magazine pouch - Holds at least two spare mags
Pen and paper
Reference Section:
Things to Check: Make sure you have an FID card. Make sure you have a pistol purchase permit for the firearm you intend to carry
Applications forms are available to download online at (NEW FORMS POSTED)
Here are the steps to follow when for a New Jersey Permit to Carry a Handgun as also gleaned from the NJSP:
How to apply?
Please visit the new NJSP CARRY PERMIT website for details(click on link): Concealed Carry Permits (
Out of State residents must be fingerprinted for initial and renewal applications. Applicants can visit to schedule an appointment. When scheduling, the applicant must provide the investigating agencies ORI# (Click here to find your ORI#). Use IdentoGo code number 2F164B for scheduling New Jersey permit to carry fingerprints.
Complete a State of New Jersey Application for Permit to Carry a Handgun by visiting the following website (click on link): Concealed Carry Permits (
For New Jersey Residents, enter the ORI Number of the police department where you reside. If you do NOT reside in a NJ State Police Jurisdiction, DO NOT enter a NJSP ORI unless you are an Out of State Resident, NJ Office of the Attorney General (DAG, AAG), prosecutor or judge, Mayor or elected member of the municipal governing body, or armored car employee applicant.Dual Residents WITH PROOF of dual residency MUST apply to the police department ORI where you reside in NJ.
Out of State residents who are NOT dual residents, MUST apply to a NJSP ORI. Applicants must apply to the closest NJSP Station by geographic location/mileage. Please contact the NJSP Station that is the closest prior to submission of your application.
NJ Office of the Attorney General (DAG, AAG), prosecutors, judges and armored car employee applicants MUST apply to a NJSP ORI.
If you apply to the incorrect ORI, your application will be WITHDRAWN. Fees are non-refundable.
You can obtain your ORI number by contacting your local police department. Please do not contact support or open a ticket through this service. We will be unable to assist.
*If you are in need of further assistance or direction, contact your local Municipal Police Department or State Police Barracks for guidance.
Do I have to take a Basic Pistol course prior to your ROC NJ Carry course? No, but we highly recommend it. You have a greater chance of passing the firearms familiarity qualification.
Do I have to take NRA Basic Pistol again if I took it a couple of years ago? If you forgot everything from that class, you may want to take it over again. It’s your call.
What classifies as an equivalent NRA Basic Pistol course? Any course you have taken that has a similar curriculum to NRA BP. It does not have to be exact.
Do I have to qualify with every gun I want to carry? No, but after consulting with multiple N.J. lawyers, they have suggested quantifying with every gun you want to carry. It assists with with defense if you are justified. There will be an additional charge of $75 for that second qualification and we will have a separate Re-qual/Add-Qual only class with various days and times. Check the “Training Classes” section for availability.
Do you have a notary available on site? YES WE DO!
Do you provide the 2” x 2” photos? Absolutely!!!
How do I know my township will accept your approval letter? We have done almost 100 NJ carry qualifications for armed security, private security and Asst. DA prior to the Bruen discussion. All of them have been approved. If you get rejected, contact us right away and we will do everything in our power to assist you.