Note: For all courses held at the Union Hill Gun Club, students can not wear their carry firearm(s) into class. It must be in a case.
All Courses Require Full Payment via Square prior to class.
This Fee is Non-Refundable
Ammunition is not included in our classes unless otherwise specified.
NRA FIRST Steps Shotgun Orientation
NRA FIRST Steps Shotgun Orientation
Duration of Course: 3 hours
Short Description : Firearm Instruction, Responsibility, and Safety Training is the NRA’s response to the American public’s need for a firearm orientation program for new purchasers.
More Details NRA FIRST Steps Shotgun course is designed to provide a hands-on introduction to the safe handling and proper orientation to one specific shotgun model. This course is at least three hours long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot a specific model shotgun at a moving target. Students will learn the NRA’s rules for safe gun handling; the particular shotgun model parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; cleaning the shotgun; and continued opportunities for skill development. Students will receive the Basics of Shotgun Shooting handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure, Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification booklet, FIRST Steps Course completion certificate.
Required Equipment: If you do not have a shotgun one will be provided to you at no additional cost. If you have your own we encourage you to bring it.
Ammunition is available for purchase.
This course includes: Classroom Time, Certificate, Materials, Range Time, Targets, Eye and Ear Protection
Please wear comfortable clothing and proper footwear