Note: For all courses held at the Union Hill Gun Club, students can not wear their carry firearm(s) into class. It must be in a case.
All Courses Require Full Payment via Square prior to class.
This Fee is Non-Refundable
Ammunition is not included in our classes unless otherwise specified.
R.O.C. Maryland Wear & Carry Permit Course (THAT's RIGHT!!!)
R.O.C. Maryland Wear & Carry Permit Course (THAT's RIGHT!!!)
This is a mandatory two day firearms training course that meets all training requirements to obtain a Maryland Non-Resident Handgun Wear & Carry permit.
***Please Use Buy Now Buttons at the bottom left for check out and payment arrangements****

R.O.C. Maryland Non-Resident Handgun Wear and Carry Permit Course - January 18th & 19th, 2025
However, if you have never handled a pistol before ROC highly recommends the NRA Basic Pistol class or please contact one of our certified ROC instructors for a 1-on-1 lesson prior to taking this course. Send us an email ( with your contact information and we will get you on our schedule.
YES! You can obtain a Maryland NON-Resident handgun carry permit!!!
More Details: Presenting R.O.C. Training’s Maryland Non-Resident Handgun Wear & Carry Course. This a mandatory two-day instructor lead class with a substantial amount information covering everything from firearms safety, general concealed carry essentials, holster draw review, Use of Force, Maryland State guidelines, and of course a Shooting Qualification. Students will receive a course completion certificate from the ROC Training instructor that must be included with your application.
***PHOTOS ARE AVAILABLE*** One photo is ONLY $5!!
Lessons Covered in this Course:
Firearm Safety
Detailed Firearms Familiarity
Concealed Carry Necessities
Drawing from a Holster & Re-holstering (quick review)
Use of Force
Maryland carry specifications - Process to apply, carry locations, and ammunition
Shooting Qualification (25 Rounds)
Course of Fire: Total 25 Rounds: 2 rounds @ 15 yards, 10 rounds @ 7 yards, 10 rounds @ 5 yards, 3 rounds @ 3 yards: Strings of fire will start with the pistol at the low ready, two handed only.
Targets will be the FBI Q targets.
Necessary Equipment List:
Above All...An Open Mind
Pistol: Semi-Auto or Revolver (We can provide you one if need be.)
50 Rounds of quality ammo (We have ammo for purchase if necessary.)
Eye Protection
Ear Protection - Electronic Preferred
Minimum of two magazines or two speed loaders
Pen and paper
Reference Section:
Effective immediately, all Handgun Permit/Wear and Carry application fees are being electronically collected at the time of application submission in the Licensing Portal.
ATTENTION: Before you may legally wear and carry a regulated firearm, you must possess and maintain on your person the MSP-issued Handgun Wear and Carry Permit. Submission of the application does not authorize you to wear, carry, or transport a handgun.
To access the Wear and Carry Application click here: Portal
Training must be successfully completed prior to submitting the application, unless you are exempt from training.
Please click here for information on Wear and Carry Permit Training
Who Should Apply?
Wear and Carry Permits may be issued to any adult (18 years of age or over) who meets the following criteria:
An applicant between 18 and 21 years of age may only be issued a wear and carry permit to possess a regulated firearm required for employment. - P.S. 5-133 (d)(2)(v)
Has not been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor for which a sentence of imprisonment for more than one year has been imposed; or convicted of a criminal offense for which you could have been sentenced to more than 2 years incarceration.
Has not been convicted of a crime involving the possession, use, or distribution of a controlled dangerous substance;
Is not presently an alcoholic, addict, or habitual user of a controlled dangerous substance unless under legitimate medical direction;
Based on an investigation, has not exhibited a propensity for violence or instability that may reasonably render the person’s possession of a handgun a danger to the person or others;
As of October 1, 2013, has successfully completed the Maryland State Police approved firearms training course within 2 years prior to submitting the original or renewal application.
How To Apply
As of October 1, 2013, all new, renewal, and subsequent applicants must successfully complete required firearms training, within 2 years, prior to submitting the application.
As of October 1, 2016 Fingerprints will no longer be required for renewal application submissions. Fingerprints are still required for all initial/original Handgun Permit applications. (MD SB208 2016)
**IMPORTANT NOTE** As of today, YOU MUST (REPEAT) MUST get finger printed in the state of Maryland via a state approved Live Scan location.
To find a fingerprinting service provider, please Click Here.
YOU MUST obtain your finger prints withing TWO YEARS of completing this training course.
As of October 1, 2019, all Wear and Carry permit applications (original, renewal and subsequent) and requests (modification and replacement) must be submitted online in the Licensing Portal. All documentation requirements and any clarifications you feel may assist investigators in processing your applications must be uploaded and electronically attached to the application in the Licensing Portal. You may access the Licensing Portal by clicking the link below:
The minimum documentation required for the acceptance of the Wear and Carry permit application are:
Color passport-size photograph
Electronic fingerprint transmission receipt
Certificate of Handgun Training or documentation of exemption
Please allow 90 days for completion of the application process.
For further guidance in regard to submitting a Wear and Carry permit application or request please refer to the Wear and Carry Portal Users Guide.
How Much Does It Cost?
All fees will be collected electronically at the time of application submission in the Licensing Portal. Acceptable forms of payment include Visa and MasterCard.
Original/Initial – $75.00 – Fingerprint Fees not included
Renewal – $50.00 – Fingerprints No Longer Required
Subsequent – $50.00 – Fingerprint Fees not included
Replacement/Modification – $10.00 – Fingerprints not required
Active/Retired Law Enforcement Officers of this State or a County/Municipality (PS 5-304) – $0.00