#14 and Murphy is courting…again
*That’s right! Six new gun banning bills are being proposed. This will severely impact your availability to possess a firearm in this state. If there ever was a time to attend Mr. Nappen's gun law seminar it's now; July 16th 6-9pm at 3 Lasatta Ave, Englishtown, N.J., 07726
Get your tickets here, only $10
Magazine bans, trigger cranks, bump fire stocks, and.. rubber bands? Find out what items are now illegal in New Jersey, and how to protect yourself. As a New Jersey gun owner, you can't afford to be uneducated—ignorance of the law is not a legal excuse! Grace periods are now closed, and previously legal items are now considered criminal contraband. With Governor Murphy proposing more changes to gun laws in the state now, is the time get educated and be prepared. Join U.S. LawShield and Independent Program Attorney Evan Nappen at this seminar to help make sure the items in your safe don't earn you criminal charges, fines, and even jail time.